Capturing Customer Context for Cross-Channel Experiences (Talk)

Cheryl talks about how increased customer context can lead to more informed product choices while presenting the material from Capturing Customer Context for Cross-Channel Experiences.

Is your customer experience straining at the seams? Have your customers moved from office to home, and your company’s charter along with it? Designing for the next generation of experiences requires up-leveling your understanding of your customer context. But how do you ask the right questions and set yourself up for success? Multimodal design expert Cheryl Platz shares a framework for capturing customer context inspired by her time in improvisational theater, and walks you through how these dimensions of context will unlock greater success for your complex products and experiences. You’ll leave this succinct talk with concrete steps for applying this framework in your next project, whether you’re working with user researchers or flying solo in your customer engagement.

The Basics

  • Talk length: 30 minutes
  • Topic: Multimodality and cross-device experiences
  • Content scope: Practical / Apply Immediately
  • Audience: Web developers, product managers, UX designers

While this talk can be extended 5-10 minutes, if you have a keynote length talk I’d recommend Design Beyond Websites, which includes this content along with case studies and sets it against a narrative theme.

As seen at…

Attendee Feedback

  • From MTP 2020 attendees (product management conference)
    • “Thank you! That was really interesting, entertaining, unexpected, got me thinking. Onwards to the (next) final frontier!”
    • “Ace session, thank you very much. Given me lots to think about :)”
    • “Thank you for the content ! A lot of practical tools, definitely interesting book.”
    • “Really good talk! Got me pondering simultaneous/combined modalities now…”

Related material

If you’d like to go deeper on this material, we also offer a full Capturing Customer Context workshop.