Cross-Channel Design Q&A : Feb 28 4PM PT (Free with Registration)

Cross-Channel Design Q&A : Feb 28 4PM PT (Free with Registration)

Cheryl Platz, author of Design Beyond Devices, joins the community to share updates from her latest practice & facilitate discussion. By popular demand after Cheryl's successful January Q&A - we're moving to Zoom, where we can engage in more thoughtful roundtable communications as a community! Join author and designer Cheryl Platz as she provides an update on her practice - what's been working these past few years since publishing her first book - and answers community questions like how to handle difficult stakeholder discussions. We'd love to hear from the community about how your practice is going! Join us WEDNESDAY…
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LinkedIn LIVE Recording Available: Design Beyond Devices Community Q&A

LinkedIn LIVE Recording Available: Design Beyond Devices Community Q&A

On January 31 2024, Ideaplatz founder Cheryl Platz ran a community Q&A for LinkedIn followers that yielded a nuanced conversation about how her book has impacted her practice as a Design Director these past three years, as well as some very thoughtful questions from attendees about navigating stakeholder relationships when working in this space. Check out the replay at the LinkedIn event page. Future community events, based on community feedback, will be hosted on Zoom via Ideaplatz - stay tuned for further details and your chance to participate! Sign up for our mailing list or follow our LinkedIn page to…
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Voiceflow Keynote: Demystifying Multimodal Design

Voiceflow Keynote: Demystifying Multimodal Design

On October 13, 2021, Ideaplatz founder Cheryl Platz joined the Voiceflow community to share a keynote specifically targeted at practitioners in the conversational design space, aiming to share some of the insights from her book Design Beyond Devices to reveal how multimodal design complements that existing practice. How do you position your multimodal experience, and how do you extend your designs? Thanks to all who attended live, and thanks to Emily Lonetto at Voiceflow for all of her organizing efforts along the way! Catch up with the talk on YouTube or download the slides below. Ready to go deeper? Check…
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Video from Opti-Pessimism keynote at Interaction Latin America 2019

Video from Opti-Pessimism keynote at Interaction Latin America 2019

We're delighted to share after long last the video from Cheryl's very well-received keynote presentation at the largest design conference in the Southern Hemisphere, Interaction Latin America. Her 2019 "Opti-Pessimism" keynote inspired many local designers to start thinking and talking about their "run!" moments. Opti-Pessimism is one of the many frameworks covered in Cheryl's book, Design Beyond Devices, which is now available from Rosenfeld Media. Can't see the video embedded here? Click here to view it on Vimeo. NOTE: The video feed was used for the large LED screens behind speakers, so it does NOT contain slides. We recommend you…
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Book club talk: “What Comes Next” Slides from Design Spaces

Book club talk: “What Comes Next” Slides from Design Spaces

On September 9, Ideaplatz founder Cheryl Platz joined the San Diego-based but nationwide community Design Spaces to discuss the content from her book Design Beyond Devices. As most attendees had read the material, this talk focuses on what to do with it: what steps come first in the process, and how to move forward with skeptical stakeholders. Browse or download the slides from the talk below, and check back here for a link to the video when available. For attendees looking to use the free resources referenced in the talk, visit the Design Beyond Devices page on this site. Ideaplatz-DBDNextSteps-DesignSpacesDownload
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Free fall talks with Ideaplatz

On September 1, Cheryl launched her newest keynote, "The Carousel of Progress: Adapting to a (Post) Pandemic World" to an enthusiastic response from the CHIFOO practitioner community. (Recording available to CHIFOO members.) This keynote is available for booking at your conference or event - reach out to us for more information. Still to come in early Fall: September 9 at 12 PM PT --Design Spaces Book Club: Design Beyond Devices Cheryl talks with folks who are reading her book about next steps to take when applying the content in her book. She'll answer audience questions, go through some of the…
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New Keynote: Carousel of Progress

New Keynote: Carousel of Progress

On September 1, 2021 Ideaplatz founder Cheryl Platz debuted her first entirely new keynote in 3 years: The Carousel of Progress: Adapting to a (Post) Pandemic World. ABSTRACT: Human progress leaps forward thanks to inciting incidents. Political, cultural, environmental... and sometimes pandemics like the Spanish Flu or polio. We now find ourselves facing another inciting incident: the COVID-19 pandemic. Progress is inevitable. Customer expectations and needs have changed drastically in the last 18 months. But what kind of progress, and how can you adapt? Your customers will expect a more hands-free technology environment, and will expect more flexible technology that…
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UX Salon: Slides, Video, and Follow-up

UX Salon: Slides, Video, and Follow-up

What a great international turnout we had for the UX Salon "UX Night: Design Beyond Devices with Cheryl Platz" event on June 16! Hundreds of folks tuned in live across both Zoom and YouTube from around the globe to hear Cheryl bring a new look at her book Design Beyond Devices, including: A detailed look at the four themes driving her book "Design Beyond Devices"An exploration of the Spectrum of MultimodalityA brief example of how to apply different multimodal interaction models to a single scenarioA look at the end-to-end multimodal design process and how the book's chapters map to that…
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2 public talks for June 2021

2 public talks for June 2021

Our summer talk series is launching with 2 public talks and one academic talk in June! Future talks are coming in August and September - if you're looking to book Cheryl for an appearance, reach out at or use our contact form. To get notified of upcoming appearances including talks, podcasts, and new public workshop opportunities, join the Ideaplatz mailing list. June 10, 2021: Carnegie Mellon HCII Guest Lecture [Private Event] Guest lecture for the Carnegie Mellon Human Computer Interaction Institute Masters' Program (available for current students only) - talk begins at 4PM EST; contact Skip Shelley for information.…
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Design Beyond Devices: Winter Tour 2021

Design Beyond Devices: Winter Tour 2021

As this chaotic year comes into focus, so does a new series of talks and workshops in support of Cheryl's new book published through Rosenfeld Media, Design Beyond Devices: Creating Multimodal, Cross-Device Experiences. Whether you're looking to add a new multimodal skill to your design toolbox or simply looking for some lightweight techniques with which you can expand your user research, there's something here for you. All Winter 2021 tour dates are virtual and can be viewed from anywhere in the world. Voice Design Workshop - Jan 20-29Customer Context Workshop - Feb 2Multimodal Voice Design Workshop - Feb 12Design Beyond…
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