Personal Presence for the Workplace

The further we get in our careers, the more we find that our value isn’t just our ideas and research. In fact, our value is amplified tremendously by our ability to bring those stories to life for our partners and stakeholders. But if you’re not trained or comfortable in the art of persuasion, where do you start? It starts with a greater understanding of how your body language and your mind unconsciously change the way you’re perceived by those around you.

In this acclaimed two-hour interactive workshop, Cheryl provides a concise framework for improving your own art of persuasion in the workplace. The content and exercises are drawn both from her decades of professional experience as an improvisational actor/teacher and from her experience as a speaker on conference stages around the world.

You’ll walk away with a better understanding of your own brain-body connection, a variety of exercises to warm up and prepare, and concrete approaches to make yourself more convincing in the moment. These are tools you can apply immediately, whether in day-to-day meetings or to prepare for your next big talk.

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