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Capturing Customer Context – Free Downloadable Worksheets

Capturing Customer Context – Free Downloadable Worksheets

In Chapter 2 of Design Beyond Devices, Ideaplatz founder Cheryl Platz lays out the importance of going beyond surface inquiry when doing customer outreach for multimodal and cross-device experiences. But how do you bring your stakeholders along when they think they understand everything about your customers?

These 4 downloadable FREE worksheets are designed to jumpstart your own explorations. Either have team members print and complete individually during a workshop, or use them solo as questions to prompt your own preparations.

  1. Shared Understanding Baseline: What do you already know, what are the constraints, and what has already been done?
  2. Visualizing Context: Use quick sketches to visualize either scenes you KNOW or scenes you BELIEVE exist and you’d like to validate via testing
  3. Customer Context: Capture the basics of your customer’s CROW: Character, Relationship, Objective, and Where
  4. Open Research Questions: Check the items you’ve covered with past research, and circle, highlight, or priority number the questions you still need to answer.

Want more direct instruction in using these worksheets? I’m teaching a 2-hour Capturing Customer Context workshop as part of Interaction 21: 8AM Pacific time on February 2, 2021. Tickets are $150 and will go quickly.

For more on CROW or how to approach this workshop, see Design Beyond Devices – available December 1 worldwide. Pre-orders are on sale now!

Want your local bookstore to stock Design Beyond Devices? Have them contact Rosenfeld Media!

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