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DEVit 360: New talk on June 11

Fresh off a successful talk and workshop at UX London, Cheryl returns to Europe next week to speak at DEVit 360 in Thessaloniki. While many of our talks and workshops have been targeted at designers thus far, Cheryl will be debuting a new talk with a broader target audience.

DEVit 360 // Monday, June 11

Opti-pessimism – Design for the best case, build for the worst

How can we design for the promise of the future AND build for the reality of today, all while in an Agile environment? Cheryl Platz turns her experience designing for products like Azure and Alexa into survival strategies for products at the cutting edge. From information architecture and accessibility to emerging tech like AI and conversational UI – we’ll take a whirlwind tour to build a roadmap for “opti-pessimistic” product design.

Are you local to Central Europe? Tickets to DEVit are still available – and you get the whole day of talks for just 65 Euro. Click here for tickets.

Can’t join Cheryl in Greece, but you’re interested in the talk? Stay tuned for slides, or reach out to inquire about booking this talk for your event!

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