Latest Past Events

Cross-Channel Design Q&A with Cheryl Platz at Ideaplatz

By popular demand - we're moving to Zoom, where we can engage in more thoughtful roundtable communications as a community! Join author and designer Cheryl Platz as she provides an […]


Design Beyond Devices: Demystifying Multimodal Design

Remote (Zoom Webinar)

Have you ever wondered how you might approach designing the bridge of the Starship Enterprise, where crew members move fluidly between voice controls, physical controls, touchscreens, holograms, and more? Such […]


Design Spaces Book Club: Design Beyond Devices

Remote (Zoom)

Have you ever wondered how you might approach designing the bridge of the Starship Enterprise, where crew members move fluidly between voice controls, physical controls, touchscreens, holograms, and more? Such […]
